Peter Bennett - the racing pigeon photographer who knows what a racing pigeon looks like. Over the years we have seen many new pigeon photographers appear, who rely mostly on computer programs to enhance and standardise every single picture. None, in my opinion, know what a racing pigeon is supposed to look like. What is the point in having your birds photographed if the end results do not resemble your birds in any way? Racing pigeons are not all the same size and shape So if you want your pigeons to look like YOUR pigeons, it has to be Peter Bennett - The photographer of pigeons. Peter Bennett is the name that springs to most minds when the subject of pigeon photography comes up, and it's not surprising as Peter photographs most of the big-race winners that you see throughout the pigeon year in various publications, not only in the UK but also in Europe and the rest of the world. Peter began photographing pigeons in the late 1960s. Since those early days Peter's company has grown to international status within the pigeon sport. Most people think that all that is needed to take pigeon photographs is a 'magic box', but what is really required is a great deal of experience and patience to get a bird to pose in the correct manner to record it as it should be recorded - as a fancier's champion. Peter is very critical of his own work and therefore feels he has a right to be critical of the work of other photographers, some of whom, in his opinion, make very little effort to coax the subjects into the correct pose. Nothing annoys him more than to see a great performance pigeon staring out from the pages of the fancy press on newsagents' shelves, in full view of the general public, looking like a typical streeter. Peter, having been in photography for over 50 years and having photographed top line pigeons for almost 40 years, offers you a fully guaranteed service against the poor quality service of most of the amateur photographers,which only reduces the value of your stock or insults your birds racing performance. |